About Me?

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Hi, I'm a wife to THE ONE and mommy of two toddlers. We live near the beach and if I'm having a "crabby" day maybe it's because of the sand in my crack. I'd like to share bits of my life, raising two kids as a stay at home mom and wife while trying to manage my GREAT DEPRESSION, which is not so great.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What If

Reading one of my favorite blogs http://www.jennsylvania.com/ led me to another blog http://www.allisonwinnscotch.blogspot.com/ which I can tell from one preview will be a daily read. Allison Winn Scotch an author of two books (Department of Lost and Found' & 'Time of My Life') poses an interesting question what WHAT IF's do you have in your life? This is also the subject of her latest book, 'Time of My Life', which is now on my must read list. I find this question fascinating for a few reasons 1) what are the what ifs in my life 2) do I regret what if choices or embrace them 3) does one recognize that certain moments are in fact what if moments and finally will I treat future what if moments, supposing I recognize them, with greater care and contemplation knowing the consequences could once again lead me to ponder what if?

I have several what if moments in my 39 years but two that I will be thinking of the rest of today and beyond are what if I had said no to that boy when I was barely 16, would I be wondering what my child, that I chose not to have, would be like today and how would my life have turned out? What if I didn't have the right to choose? And secondly, what if I had decided to take action on the 'my family would be better off without me in this world' thoughts pounding in my head during an especially bad episode of depression, would I be in a better place? Would my family really be better off? I think not, but still an interesting what if.

On a more lighthearted note, the what if question posed by Allison Winn Scotch inspired me to take another chance at my own blog and what if it leads to me saying a year or 10 from now...what if I hadn't read that What If blog and started to blog again?!?

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Are you still out there, sandied bottomed, wondering "what if"? I stumbled upon your blog and your what if's, of course, makes me think of my "what if's". . . . Respond back if your still out there somewhere? Thanks for sharing.